Robustness of Cloud Security against Brute-force Attack

Document Type : Original Article


1 Communication Department, ECCAT, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

2 Department of Communications and Electronics Engineering at the Egyptian Military Academy (Air Defense College), Egypt

3 Software Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egyptian Chinese University, Cairo, Egypt

4 Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egyptian Chinese University, Cairo, Egypt

5 Higher institute of Engineering and Technology, king Mariout , Alexandria, Egypt


Cloud computing stands as a transformative technological innovation with the potential to reshape global operations and redefine the future. Despite its numerous advantages for users, operators, and industries, it poses significant challenges, particularly in ensuring the security and privacy of data stored in the cloud. This study proposes two robust strategies to enhance cloud security and counter brute-force attacks. The first strategy focuses on fortifying password security by integrating a one-time password (OTP) mechanism with the Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm. The second strategy emphasizes safeguarding encrypted data, such as multimedia files, using the Rivest Cipher 6 (RC6) encryption algorithm. Simulation results, conducted with encryption tools and the C++ programming language, demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches in mitigating brute-force threats. The findings validate the proposed methods as reliable solutions for strengthening the security of cloud-based platforms


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